March 16, 2013

Saturday night blessings

As I lay here another lonely Saturday night by myself in my bed I can't help but feel grateful tonight....

Most lonely nights I feel bitter & spiteful that so many young people are with loved ones, or on first dates & so on....I usually don't understand why I have to be so lonely, why God took Mike from my grips, why he needed him more then I. I question it a lot.

Tonight is not one of those nights, tonight I sat down on my computer and went thru all my pictures, I usually cry my eyes out but for some reason tonight it was just a grateful cry. I sat and recollected on all the memories I was able to have with Mike, the goofy love we had, he was he & I was I, which made us we.....we were the same soul just split into two bodies.

People frequently told us that I was the girl version of him, & he the boy version of me. From the beginning we never tried to impress one another & I think that's what made us fall so much quicker and harder because we were us and we loved who the other person was.

Two weeks after we had went on our first date Mike told me he loved me, we had people we had never met asking us on week three how long we had been in love, and when we told them that we had barely started dating it usually surprised people, they said we looked like old souls who have been married for years.

You could see from the beginning how strong, sweet, beautiful, and indescribable our love for each other was, it was a once in a lifetime thing. Though it was a quick and short ride, I know with out a doubt it was the greatest blessing to ever come into my life. Mike showed me so much in so little time, he showed me what love felt like, how to laugh until I peed, how to live like there's no tomorrow, to be friendly, caring, helpful, goofy & myself. He brought the true girl I am out. He made me, me.

Mike was so incredible and so loved & I was reminded tonight when looking thru his funeral pictures, that whole period of time is a complete blur to me so to see all the people who came out and were there for me is amazing. Thousands of people. I could never say thank you enough! So as I look back at our pictures tonight I smile because I was so blessed to have had Michael Tyler Barr in my life, I love him more then any one soul could love another.

Thank you for blessing me with your love Meesk. I can't wait to see you again...

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